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National genomic plans

National Strategy for Accelerating Genetic and Genomic Medicine in Ireland

Genetic and Genomic Implementation Plan 2023

On 25 June 2024, the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project hosted a workshop on implementing national genomic plans in EU countries, featuring insights from four EU nations. Belgium showcased its regional and national efforts under the 1+Million Genomes (1+MG) initiative, including the Belgian Human Genome Project. Denmark discussed its National Genome Centre’s strategy for implementing whole genome sequencing in healthcare, with a focus on a national genome database and improved diagnostics.

France detailed its 2025 Genomic Medicine Initiative, emphasising collaborative efforts to integrate genome sequencing into clinical practice. Italy shared its progress in creating a national genomic plan, highlighting key milestones and addressing ongoing challenges, stressing the need for improved coordination and funding.


Screenshot of Italy workshop


Screenshot of French workshop


Screenshot of Denmark workshop


Screenshot of Belgium workshop

Country visits (2021)

The B1MG project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, virtually visited multiple European countries in early 2021 to explore their genomics infrastructures; first the UK in March 2021, followed by Estonia and Finland. These visits also included flash talks from Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. The country visits were organised to foster creative solutions for integrating genomic data into healthcare and facilitate idea exchange. The insights will help develop a roadmap for adopting genomic data in healthcare across Europe.

UK visit

Screenshot of UK visit video

(March 2021, 12 videos)

Estonia visit

Screenshot of Estonia visit video

(May 2021, 10 videos)

Finland visit

Screenshot of Finland visit video

(June 2021, 10 videos)

Flash talks

Screenshot of the flash talks video

(9 videos)